History of CMS

How our school began . . .
In 2008, a small group of parents of 3 & 4 year olds met with Emily Munoff, a trained and experienced Montessori teacher who had just moved to Bisbee. Emily asked them if she could lead a small Montessori learning group for their children in the home of one of the parents. They jumped on this opportunity! Soon after, this core group and several community members dreamed of creating a school that could benefit the whole community. They believed fervently that Bisbee and Cochise County would benefit greatly from a Montessori school.
This group began fundraising and searching for a location that could hold at least 20 children. They began inquiring about Arizona licensing requirements and decided to move ahead with their 501(c)(3) application. In April 2010, they achieved nonprofit status and officially became the Community Montessori School of Bisbee, Inc. (CMS). A governing board was formed, and more fundraisers were held with enthusiastic support from the community.
The search for a school building was proving very challenging, and then, local guardian angels Barbara Weaver and her family donated the perfect building that meets the strict licensing needs for a preschool and also accommodates future growth.
We are so fortunate to have the support of our community,
we wouldn't exist without your help!
History of CMS
Led by Emily Munoff, a Montessori learning group of six students begins meeting in the home of a Bisbee parent.
The not-for-profit Community Montessori School of Bisbee, Inc. is formed.
The Barbara Weaver family, longtime Bisbee residents, donate a long-sought building to CMS.
Renovation on the building begins to adapt it to licensing needs.
Chris Guinter of QT Construction in Sierra Vista donates his time over several months to do the work needed to get our first classroom ready.
Rutherford Diversified Industries in Serra Vista donates their crew to pave the long driveway to the school.
Our first class in our brand-new licensed Montessori classroom begins with 8 students.
Official ribbon cutting ceremony with Mayor Adriana Zavala Badal and other city officials attending.
© 2014 Community Montessori School of Bisbee, Inc.
Site Design: Melanie Germond